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Technical manager
  • Experience
    14 years old
  • Finalised project
  • Work for Advency
    Since 2013 (creation)
Fabien sur un sentier de randonnée en Nouvelle-Zélande
Animation de Fabien

In regards to...

Hi, I'm Fabien and I'm the technical manager of the agency. I study the feasibility of specific functionalities: my role is to determine the technologies to use, and the way to realize the projects taking into account the budget and the user-experience so that everything is the most optimal for everyone (client and end-user). I like challenges and finding technical solutions. I'm also a developer and a manager of our server park, and I'm part of the founding team of the agency.


All of its skills

  • Drupal Developer

    First Drupal site made in 2008, we were at version 6 at the time! I made my first site with Jérémy :).

    Today I can develop almost everything with this CMS, it is perfect for everything that is internet site, intranet and extranet.

  • JS/Angular/nodeJS Developer

    I am specialized on Javascript language and more particularly on : 

    • Angular
    • nodeJS
    • jQuery
    • JS Vanilla

    What I like about this language is that I am able to create any project;

    • Website
    • Mobile application
    • Software
    • Video games
  • Outsourcing

    Very good knowledge of Linux systems (Cent OS, Red hat, Debian and Ubuntu).

    I manage a park of several dedicated servers, representing more than 60 VMs for the hosting of our customers' projects.

    • Installation and configuration of server
    • Haproxy (load balancer)
    • Docker & Docker Swarm
    • MariaDB Galera Cluster (MySQL replication)
    • MongoDB (classic and with replica set and sharding)
    • Cache management (Varnish, Memcached, Opcache, ...)

    I set up infrastructures for sites with very high traffic (+3M visits per day).


  • Database Architechs

    Database creation (On Drupal or on MongoDB).

    Creating a database is one of the most important steps, and is critical to the viability of a project.

    The role of a database architect is to mentally map the entire project in its version 1 but also to imagine it in future versions without even knowing the future functionality. The database must be designed to be scalable.

    A bad design of the database can have an impact on the development time and on the scalability of the project which can become very expensive to maintain.

  • Management

    Accompanying the team to ensure the smooth running of projects. Overall management related to the position of manager of the company.


  • Strategic support

    Advice on strategic decision making throughout the project, taking into account :

    • The interests of the user
    • The interests of the project owner
    • The added value of the functionalities in relation to the development time
    • SEO, RGPD, RGAA, UX best practices
    • Eco-responsibility and digital sobriety (ease of subsequent maintenance)
    • The technical environment and the digital ecosystem to date

Her passions and hobbies

  • Development
    I love to code. I can continue to code outside of work hours for my pleasure, testing new things. Currently I'm interested in web 3 and everything blockchain. #Solidity
  • Music
    Originally a guitarist, I also play bass. I haven't had a band for a while due to lack of time, but maybe one day I will have a rock band again ;) In the meantime I do beatmaking on FL Studio for rappers.
  • Video games
    Starcraft player since 1999. I love RTS games like Starcraft and Age of Empire. I perform a lot in this kind of games. On the other hand I'm not good at FPS games ^^

Latest projects

Discover his/her latest projects, as well as his/her projects in which he/she participated, from near or far.

  • Exemple d'une tâche logiciel Le Manager
    Graphic design - Development - Integration - Maintenance - Hosting


    Management software for service companies. From prospecting to project management to bank statements, control the entire life cycle of your clients and projects.

    View project
  • Tableau de bord du site EUP2P
    Graphic design - Development - Integration - Maintenance - Hosting

    International collaborative work tool - Expertise France

    Creation of a complete Drupal extranet with workgroup, online chat, quizzes, collaborative work on word documents and many other features allowing a close collaboration between the different users of the platform. Our web agency has put all its know-how in the execution of its mission

    View project
  • Page de résultat d'une recherche
    Graphic design - Development - Integration - Maintenance - Hosting

    Sift solutions

    Sift, your identification solution to find regional, national and European public funding

    View project

Comme chiens et chats...

  • Portrait de Drogo, berger allemand noir qui fixe l'objectif


    • Type d'animal
    • Caractéristique
      Paper towel hunter

    Always present in the office, he regularly livens up the agency by stealing stuff from desks and then running to be chased, or by riding through the corridors with his friend Sirius. 
    Goofy to a fault with the team, he takes his role as caretaker very seriously and fights off any delivery person, postman or trainee candidate who unwisely ventures into the office uninvited.
